ost, it results in
* the main query loop never being entered which causes bugs in core and the plugin ecosystem.
* The workaround below ensures that the loop is started even for those singular templates. The while loop will by
* definition only go through a single iteration, i.e. `do_blocks()` is only called once. Additional safeguard
* checks are included to ensure the main query loop has not been tampered with and really only encompasses a
* single post.
* Even if the block template contained a `core/query` and `core/post-template` block referencing the main query
* loop, it would not cause errors since it would use a cloned instance and go through the same loop of a single
* post, within the actual main query loop.
* This special logic should be skipped if the current template does not come from the current theme, in which case
* it has been injected by a plugin by hijacking the block template loader mechanism. In that case, entirely custom
* logic may be applied which is unpredictable and therefore safer to omit this special handling on.
if (
$_wp_current_template_id &&
str_starts_with( $_wp_current_template_id, get_stylesheet() . '//' ) &&
is_singular() &&
1 === $wp_query->post_count &&
) {
while ( have_posts() ) {
$content = do_blocks( $content );
} else {
$content = do_blocks( $content );
$content = wptexturize( $content );
$content = convert_smilies( $content );
$content = wp_filter_content_tags( $content, 'template' );
$content = str_replace( ']]>', ']]>', $content );
// Wrap block template in .wp-site-blocks to allow for specific descendant styles
// (e.g. `.wp-site-blocks > *`).
return '
' . $content . '
* Renders a 'viewport' meta tag.
* This is hooked into {@see 'wp_head'} to decouple its output from the default template canvas.
* @access private
* @since 5.8.0
function _block_template_viewport_meta_tag() {
echo '' . "\n";
* Strips .php or .html suffix from template file names.
* @access private
* @since 5.8.0
* @param string $template_file Template file name.
* @return string Template file name without extension.
function _strip_template_file_suffix( $template_file ) {
return preg_replace( '/\.(php|html)$/', '', $template_file );
* Removes post details from block context when rendering a block template.
* @access private
* @since 5.8.0
* @param array $context Default context.
* @return array Filtered context.
function _block_template_render_without_post_block_context( $context ) {
* When loading a template directly and not through a page that resolves it,
* the top-level post ID and type context get set to that of the template.
* Templates are just the structure of a site, and they should not be available
* as post context because blocks like Post Content would recurse infinitely.
if ( isset( $context['postType'] ) && 'wp_template' === $context['postType'] ) {
unset( $context['postId'] );
unset( $context['postType'] );
return $context;
* Sets the current WP_Query to return auto-draft posts.
* The auto-draft status indicates a new post, so allow the the WP_Query instance to
* return an auto-draft post for template resolution when editing a new post.
* @access private
* @since 5.9.0
* @param WP_Query $wp_query Current WP_Query instance, passed by reference.
function _resolve_template_for_new_post( $wp_query ) {
if ( ! $wp_query->is_main_query() ) {
remove_filter( 'pre_get_posts', '_resolve_template_for_new_post' );
// Pages.
$page_id = isset( $wp_query->query['page_id'] ) ? $wp_query->query['page_id'] : null;
// Posts, including custom post types.
$p = isset( $wp_query->query['p'] ) ? $wp_query->query['p'] : null;
$post_id = $page_id ? $page_id : $p;
$post = get_post( $post_id );
if (
$post &&
'auto-draft' === $post->post_status &&
current_user_can( 'edit_post', $post->ID )
) {
$wp_query->set( 'post_status', 'auto-draft' );
// lBarr;[⤎].
// lEg;[⪋] lE;[≦].
// lHar;[⥢].
// laemptyv;[⦴] larrbfs;[⤟] larrsim;[⥳] lacute;[ĺ] lagran;[ℒ] lambda;[λ] langle;[⟨] larrfs;[⤝] larrhk;[↩] larrlp;[↫] larrpl;[⤹] larrtl;[↢] latail;[⤙] langd;[⦑] laquo;[«] larrb;[⇤] lates;[⪭︀] lang;[⟨] laquo[«] larr;[←] late;[⪭] lap;[⪅] lat;[⪫].
// lbrksld;[⦏] lbrkslu;[⦍] lbrace;[{] lbrack;[[] lbarr;[⤌] lbbrk;[❲] lbrke;[⦋].
// lcaron;[ľ] lcedil;[ļ] lceil;[⌈] lcub;[{] lcy;[л].
// ldrushar;[⥋] ldrdhar;[⥧] ldquor;[„] ldquo;[“] ldca;[⤶] ldsh;[↲].
// leftrightsquigarrow;[↭] leftrightharpoons;[⇋] leftharpoondown;[↽] leftrightarrows;[⇆] leftleftarrows;[⇇] leftrightarrow;[↔] leftthreetimes;[⋋] leftarrowtail;[↢] leftharpoonup;[↼] lessapprox;[⪅] lesseqqgtr;[⪋] leftarrow;[←] lesseqgtr;[⋚] leqslant;[⩽] lesdotor;[⪃] lesdoto;[⪁] lessdot;[⋖] lessgtr;[≶] lesssim;[≲] lesdot;[⩿] lesges;[⪓] lescc;[⪨] leqq;[≦] lesg;[⋚︀] leg;[⋚] leq;[≤] les;[⩽] le;[≤].
// lfisht;[⥼] lfloor;[⌊] lfr;[𝔩].
// lgE;[⪑] lg;[≶].
// lharul;[⥪] lhard;[↽] lharu;[↼] lhblk;[▄].
// ljcy;[љ].
// llcorner;[⌞] llhard;[⥫] llarr;[⇇] lltri;[◺] ll;[≪].
// lmoustache;[⎰] lmidot;[ŀ] lmoust;[⎰].
// lnapprox;[⪉] lneqq;[≨] lnsim;[⋦] lnap;[⪉] lneq;[⪇] lnE;[≨] lne;[⪇].
// longleftrightarrow;[⟷] longrightarrow;[⟶] looparrowright;[↬] longleftarrow;[⟵] looparrowleft;[↫] longmapsto;[⟼] lotimes;[⨴] lozenge;[◊] loplus;[⨭] lowast;[∗] lowbar;[_] loang;[⟬] loarr;[⇽] lobrk;[⟦] lopar;[⦅] lopf;[𝕝] lozf;[⧫] loz;[◊].
// lparlt;[⦓] lpar;[(].
// lrcorner;[⌟] lrhard;[⥭] lrarr;[⇆] lrhar;[⇋] lrtri;[⊿] lrm;[].
// lsaquo;[‹] lsquor;[‚] lstrok;[ł] lsime;[⪍] lsimg;[⪏] lsquo;[‘] lscr;[𝓁] lsim;[≲] lsqb;[[] lsh;[↰].
// ltquest;[⩻] lthree;[⋋] ltimes;[⋉] ltlarr;[⥶] ltrPar;[⦖] ltcir;[⩹] ltdot;[⋖] ltrie;[⊴] ltrif;[◂] ltcc;[⪦] ltri;[◃] lt;[<].
// lurdshar;[⥊] luruhar;[⥦].
// lvertneqq;[≨︀] lvnE;[≨︀].
// mDDot;[∺].
// mapstodown;[↧] mapstoleft;[↤] mapstoup;[↥] maltese;[✠] mapsto;[↦] marker;[▮] macr;[¯] male;[♂] malt;[✠] macr[¯] map;[↦].
// mcomma;[⨩] mcy;[м].
// mdash;[—].
// measuredangle;[∡].
// mfr;[𝔪].
// mho;[℧].
// minusdu;[⨪] midast;[*] midcir;[⫰] middot;[·] minusb;[⊟] minusd;[∸] micro;[µ] middot[·] minus;[−] micro[µ] mid;[∣].
// mlcp;[⫛] mldr;[…].
// mnplus;[∓].
// models;[⊧] mopf;[𝕞].
// mp;[∓].
// mstpos;[∾] mscr;[𝓂].
// multimap;[⊸] mumap;[⊸] mu;[μ].
// nGtv;[≫̸] nGg;[⋙̸] nGt;[≫⃒].
// nLeftrightarrow;[⇎] nLeftarrow;[⇍] nLtv;[≪̸] nLl;[⋘̸] nLt;[≪⃒].
// nRightarrow;[⇏].
// nVDash;[⊯] nVdash;[⊮].
// naturals;[ℕ] napprox;[≉] natural;[♮] nacute;[ń] nabla;[∇] napid;[≋̸] napos;[ʼn] natur;[♮] nang;[∠⃒] napE;[⩰̸] nap;[≉].
// nbumpe;[≏̸] nbump;[≎̸] nbsp;[ ] nbsp[ ].
"\x05umpe;\x05≏̸\x04ump;\x05≎̸\x03sp;\x02 \x02sp\x02 ",
// ncongdot;[⩭̸] ncaron;[ň] ncedil;[ņ] ncong;[≇] ncap;[⩃] ncup;[⩂] ncy;[н].
// ndash;[–].
// nearrow;[↗] nexists;[∄] nearhk;[⤤] nequiv;[≢] nesear;[⤨] nexist;[∄] neArr;[⇗] nearr;[↗] nedot;[≐̸] nesim;[≂̸] ne;[≠].
// nfr;[𝔫].
// ngeqslant;[⩾̸] ngeqq;[≧̸] ngsim;[≵] ngeq;[≱] nges;[⩾̸] ngtr;[≯] ngE;[≧̸] nge;[≱] ngt;[≯].
// nhArr;[⇎] nharr;[↮] nhpar;[⫲].
// nisd;[⋺] nis;[⋼] niv;[∋] ni;[∋].
// njcy;[њ].
// nleftrightarrow;[↮] nleftarrow;[↚] nleqslant;[⩽̸] nltrie;[⋬] nlArr;[⇍] nlarr;[↚] nleqq;[≦̸] nless;[≮] nlsim;[≴] nltri;[⋪] nldr;[‥] nleq;[≰] nles;[⩽̸] nlE;[≦̸] nle;[≰] nlt;[≮].
// nmid;[∤].
// notindot;[⋵̸] notinva;[∉] notinvb;[⋷] notinvc;[⋶] notniva;[∌] notnivb;[⋾] notnivc;[⋽] notinE;[⋹̸] notin;[∉] notni;[∌] nopf;[𝕟] not;[¬] not[¬].
// nparallel;[∦] npolint;[⨔] npreceq;[⪯̸] nparsl;[⫽⃥] nprcue;[⋠] npart;[∂̸] nprec;[⊀] npar;[∦] npre;[⪯̸] npr;[⊀].
// nrightarrow;[↛] nrarrc;[⤳̸] nrarrw;[↝̸] nrtrie;[⋭] nrArr;[⇏] nrarr;[↛] nrtri;[⋫].
// nshortparallel;[∦] nsubseteqq;[⫅̸] nsupseteqq;[⫆̸] nshortmid;[∤] nsubseteq;[⊈] nsupseteq;[⊉] nsqsube;[⋢] nsqsupe;[⋣] nsubset;[⊂⃒] nsucceq;[⪰̸] nsupset;[⊃⃒] nsccue;[⋡] nsimeq;[≄] nsime;[≄] nsmid;[∤] nspar;[∦] nsubE;[⫅̸] nsube;[⊈] nsucc;[⊁] nsupE;[⫆̸] nsupe;[⊉] nsce;[⪰̸] nscr;[𝓃] nsim;[≁] nsub;[⊄] nsup;[⊅] nsc;[⊁].
// ntrianglerighteq;[⋭] ntrianglelefteq;[⋬] ntriangleright;[⋫] ntriangleleft;[⋪] ntilde;[ñ] ntilde[ñ] ntgl;[≹] ntlg;[≸].
// numero;[№] numsp;[ ] num;[#] nu;[ν].
"\x05mero;\x03№\x04msp;\x03 \x02m;\x01#\x01;\x02ν",
// nvinfin;[⧞] nvltrie;[⊴⃒] nvrtrie;[⊵⃒] nvDash;[⊭] nvHarr;[⤄] nvdash;[⊬] nvlArr;[⤂] nvrArr;[⤃] nvsim;[∼⃒] nvap;[≍⃒] nvge;[≥⃒] nvgt;[>⃒] nvle;[≤⃒] nvlt;[<⃒].
// nwarrow;[↖] nwarhk;[⤣] nwnear;[⤧] nwArr;[⇖] nwarr;[↖].
// oS;[Ⓢ].
// oacute;[ó] oacute[ó] oast;[⊛].
// ocirc;[ô] ocir;[⊚] ocirc[ô] ocy;[о].
// odblac;[ő] odsold;[⦼] odash;[⊝] odiv;[⨸] odot;[⊙].
// oelig;[œ].
// ofcir;[⦿] ofr;[𝔬].
// ograve;[ò] ograve[ò] ogon;[˛] ogt;[⧁].
// ohbar;[⦵] ohm;[Ω].
// oint;[∮].
// olcross;[⦻] olarr;[↺] olcir;[⦾] oline;[‾] olt;[⧀].
// omicron;[ο] ominus;[⊖] omacr;[ō] omega;[ω] omid;[⦶].
// oopf;[𝕠].
// operp;[⦹] oplus;[⊕] opar;[⦷].
// orderof;[ℴ] orslope;[⩗] origof;[⊶] orarr;[↻] order;[ℴ] ordf;[ª] ordm;[º] oror;[⩖] ord;[⩝] ordf[ª] ordm[º] orv;[⩛] or;[∨].
// oslash;[ø] oslash[ø] oscr;[ℴ] osol;[⊘].
// otimesas;[⨶] otilde;[õ] otimes;[⊗] otilde[õ].
// ouml;[ö] ouml[ö].
// ovbar;[⌽].
// parallel;[∥] parsim;[⫳] parsl;[⫽] para;[¶] part;[∂] par;[∥] para[¶].
// pcy;[п].
// pertenk;[‱] percnt;[%] period;[.] permil;[‰] perp;[⊥].
// pfr;[𝔭].
// phmmat;[ℳ] phone;[☎] phiv;[ϕ] phi;[φ].
// pitchfork;[⋔] piv;[ϖ] pi;[π].
// plusacir;[⨣] planckh;[ℎ] pluscir;[⨢] plussim;[⨦] plustwo;[⨧] planck;[ℏ] plankv;[ℏ] plusdo;[∔] plusdu;[⨥] plusmn;[±] plusb;[⊞] pluse;[⩲] plusmn[±] plus;[+].
// pm;[±].
// pointint;[⨕] pound;[£] popf;[𝕡] pound[£].
// preccurlyeq;[≼] precnapprox;[⪹] precapprox;[⪷] precneqq;[⪵] precnsim;[⋨] profalar;[⌮] profline;[⌒] profsurf;[⌓] precsim;[≾] preceq;[⪯] primes;[ℙ] prnsim;[⋨] propto;[∝] prurel;[⊰] prcue;[≼] prime;[′] prnap;[⪹] prsim;[≾] prap;[⪷] prec;[≺] prnE;[⪵] prod;[∏] prop;[∝] prE;[⪳] pre;[⪯] pr;[≺].
// pscr;[𝓅] psi;[ψ].
// puncsp;[ ].
"\x05ncsp;\x03 ",
// qfr;[𝔮].
// qint;[⨌].
// qopf;[𝕢].
// qprime;[⁗].
// qscr;[𝓆].
// quaternions;[ℍ] quatint;[⨖] questeq;[≟] quest;[?] quot;[\"] quot[\"].
// rAtail;[⤜] rAarr;[⇛] rArr;[⇒].
// rBarr;[⤏].
// rHar;[⥤].
// rationals;[ℚ] raemptyv;[⦳] rarrbfs;[⤠] rarrsim;[⥴] racute;[ŕ] rangle;[⟩] rarrap;[⥵] rarrfs;[⤞] rarrhk;[↪] rarrlp;[↬] rarrpl;[⥅] rarrtl;[↣] ratail;[⤚] radic;[√] rangd;[⦒] range;[⦥] raquo;[»] rarrb;[⇥] rarrc;[⤳] rarrw;[↝] ratio;[∶] race;[∽̱] rang;[⟩] raquo[»] rarr;[→].
// rbrksld;[⦎] rbrkslu;[⦐] rbrace;[}] rbrack;[]] rbarr;[⤍] rbbrk;[❳] rbrke;[⦌].
// rcaron;[ř] rcedil;[ŗ] rceil;[⌉] rcub;[}] rcy;[р].
// rdldhar;[⥩] rdquor;[”] rdquo;[”] rdca;[⤷] rdsh;[↳].
// realpart;[ℜ] realine;[ℛ] reals;[ℝ] real;[ℜ] rect;[▭] reg;[®] reg[®].
// rfisht;[⥽] rfloor;[⌋] rfr;[𝔯].
// rharul;[⥬] rhard;[⇁] rharu;[⇀] rhov;[ϱ] rho;[ρ].
// rightleftharpoons;[⇌] rightharpoondown;[⇁] rightrightarrows;[⇉] rightleftarrows;[⇄] rightsquigarrow;[↝] rightthreetimes;[⋌] rightarrowtail;[↣] rightharpoonup;[⇀] risingdotseq;[≓] rightarrow;[→] ring;[˚].
// rlarr;[⇄] rlhar;[⇌] rlm;[].
// rmoustache;[⎱] rmoust;[⎱].
// rnmid;[⫮].
// rotimes;[⨵] roplus;[⨮] roang;[⟭] roarr;[⇾] robrk;[⟧] ropar;[⦆] ropf;[𝕣].
// rppolint;[⨒] rpargt;[⦔] rpar;[)].
// rrarr;[⇉].
// rsaquo;[›] rsquor;[’] rsquo;[’] rscr;[𝓇] rsqb;[]] rsh;[↱].
// rtriltri;[⧎] rthree;[⋌] rtimes;[⋊] rtrie;[⊵] rtrif;[▸] rtri;[▹].
// ruluhar;[⥨].
// rx;[℞].
// sacute;[ś].
// sbquo;[‚].
// scpolint;[⨓] scaron;[š] scedil;[ş] scnsim;[⋩] sccue;[≽] scirc;[ŝ] scnap;[⪺] scsim;[≿] scap;[⪸] scnE;[⪶] scE;[⪴] sce;[⪰] scy;[с] sc;[≻].
// sdotb;[⊡] sdote;[⩦] sdot;[⋅].
// setminus;[∖] searrow;[↘] searhk;[⤥] seswar;[⤩] seArr;[⇘] searr;[↘] setmn;[∖] sect;[§] semi;[;] sext;[✶] sect[§].
// sfrown;[⌢] sfr;[𝔰].
// shortparallel;[∥] shortmid;[∣] shchcy;[щ] sharp;[♯] shcy;[ш] shy;[] shy[].
// simplus;[⨤] simrarr;[⥲] sigmaf;[ς] sigmav;[ς] simdot;[⩪] sigma;[σ] simeq;[≃] simgE;[⪠] simlE;[⪟] simne;[≆] sime;[≃] simg;[⪞] siml;[⪝] sim;[∼].
// slarr;[←].
// smallsetminus;[∖] smeparsl;[⧤] smashp;[⨳] smile;[⌣] smtes;[⪬︀] smid;[∣] smte;[⪬] smt;[⪪].
// softcy;[ь] solbar;[⌿] solb;[⧄] sopf;[𝕤] sol;[/].
// spadesuit;[♠] spades;[♠] spar;[∥].
// sqsubseteq;[⊑] sqsupseteq;[⊒] sqsubset;[⊏] sqsupset;[⊐] sqcaps;[⊓︀] sqcups;[⊔︀] sqsube;[⊑] sqsupe;[⊒] square;[□] squarf;[▪] sqcap;[⊓] sqcup;[⊔] sqsub;[⊏] sqsup;[⊐] squf;[▪] squ;[□].
// srarr;[→].
// ssetmn;[∖] ssmile;[⌣] sstarf;[⋆] sscr;[𝓈].
// straightepsilon;[ϵ] straightphi;[ϕ] starf;[★] strns;[¯] star;[☆].
// succcurlyeq;[≽] succnapprox;[⪺] subsetneqq;[⫋] succapprox;[⪸] supsetneqq;[⫌] subseteqq;[⫅] subsetneq;[⊊] supseteqq;[⫆] supsetneq;[⊋] subseteq;[⊆] succneqq;[⪶] succnsim;[⋩] supseteq;[⊇] subedot;[⫃] submult;[⫁] subplus;[⪿] subrarr;[⥹] succsim;[≿] supdsub;[⫘] supedot;[⫄] suphsol;[⟉] suphsub;[⫗] suplarr;[⥻] supmult;[⫂] supplus;[⫀] subdot;[⪽] subset;[⊂] subsim;[⫇] subsub;[⫕] subsup;[⫓] succeq;[⪰] supdot;[⪾] supset;[⊃] supsim;[⫈] supsub;[⫔] supsup;[⫖] subnE;[⫋] subne;[⊊] supnE;[⫌] supne;[⊋] subE;[⫅] sube;[⊆] succ;[≻] sung;[♪] sup1;[¹] sup2;[²] sup3;[³] supE;[⫆] supe;[⊇] sub;[⊂] sum;[∑] sup1[¹] sup2[²] sup3[³] sup;[⊃].
// swarrow;[↙] swarhk;[⤦] swnwar;[⤪] swArr;[⇙] swarr;[↙].
// szlig;[ß] szlig[ß].
// target;[⌖] tau;[τ].
// tbrk;[⎴].
// tcaron;[ť] tcedil;[ţ] tcy;[т].
// tdot;[⃛].
// telrec;[⌕].
// tfr;[𝔱].
// thickapprox;[≈] therefore;[∴] thetasym;[ϑ] thicksim;[∼] there4;[∴] thetav;[ϑ] thinsp;[ ] thksim;[∼] theta;[θ] thkap;[≈] thorn;[þ] thorn[þ].
"\x0aickapprox;\x03≈\x08erefore;\x03∴\x07etasym;\x02ϑ\x07icksim;\x03∼\x05ere4;\x03∴\x05etav;\x02ϑ\x05insp;\x03 \x05ksim;\x03∼\x04eta;\x02θ\x04kap;\x03≈\x04orn;\x02þ\x03orn\x02þ",
// timesbar;[⨱] timesb;[⊠] timesd;[⨰] tilde;[˜] times;[×] times[×] tint;[∭].
// topfork;[⫚] topbot;[⌶] topcir;[⫱] toea;[⤨] topf;[𝕥] tosa;[⤩] top;[⊤].
// tprime;[‴].
// trianglerighteq;[⊵] trianglelefteq;[⊴] triangleright;[▹] triangledown;[▿] triangleleft;[◃] triangleq;[≜] triangle;[▵] triminus;[⨺] trpezium;[⏢] triplus;[⨹] tritime;[⨻] tridot;[◬] trade;[™] trisb;[⧍] trie;[≜].
// tstrok;[ŧ] tshcy;[ћ] tscr;[𝓉] tscy;[ц].
// twoheadrightarrow;[↠] twoheadleftarrow;[↞] twixt;[≬].
// uArr;[⇑].
// uHar;[⥣].
// uacute;[ú] uacute[ú] uarr;[↑].
// ubreve;[ŭ] ubrcy;[ў].
// ucirc;[û] ucirc[û] ucy;[у].
// udblac;[ű] udarr;[⇅] udhar;[⥮].
// ufisht;[⥾] ufr;[𝔲].
// ugrave;[ù] ugrave[ù].
// uharl;[↿] uharr;[↾] uhblk;[▀].
// ulcorner;[⌜] ulcorn;[⌜] ulcrop;[⌏] ultri;[◸].
// umacr;[ū] uml;[¨] uml[¨].
// uogon;[ų] uopf;[𝕦].
// upharpoonright;[↾] upharpoonleft;[↿] updownarrow;[↕] upuparrows;[⇈] uparrow;[↑] upsilon;[υ] uplus;[⊎] upsih;[ϒ] upsi;[υ].
// urcorner;[⌝] urcorn;[⌝] urcrop;[⌎] uring;[ů] urtri;[◹].
// uscr;[𝓊].
// utilde;[ũ] utdot;[⋰] utrif;[▴] utri;[▵].
// uuarr;[⇈] uuml;[ü] uuml[ü].
// uwangle;[⦧].
// vArr;[⇕].
// vBarv;[⫩] vBar;[⫨].
// vDash;[⊨].
// vartriangleright;[⊳] vartriangleleft;[⊲] varsubsetneqq;[⫋︀] varsupsetneqq;[⫌︀] varsubsetneq;[⊊︀] varsupsetneq;[⊋︀] varepsilon;[ϵ] varnothing;[∅] varpropto;[∝] varkappa;[ϰ] varsigma;[ς] vartheta;[ϑ] vangrt;[⦜] varphi;[ϕ] varrho;[ϱ] varpi;[ϖ] varr;[↕].
// vcy;[в].
// vdash;[⊢].
// veebar;[⊻] vellip;[⋮] verbar;[|] veeeq;[≚] vert;[|] vee;[∨].
// vfr;[𝔳].
// vltri;[⊲].
// vnsub;[⊂⃒] vnsup;[⊃⃒].
// vopf;[𝕧].
// vprop;[∝].
// vrtri;[⊳].
// vsubnE;[⫋︀] vsubne;[⊊︀] vsupnE;[⫌︀] vsupne;[⊋︀] vscr;[𝓋].
// vzigzag;[⦚].
// wcirc;[ŵ].
// wedbar;[⩟] wedgeq;[≙] weierp;[℘] wedge;[∧].
// wfr;[𝔴].
// wopf;[𝕨].
// wp;[℘].
// wreath;[≀] wr;[≀].
// wscr;[𝓌].
// xcirc;[◯] xcap;[⋂] xcup;[⋃].
// xdtri;[▽].
// xfr;[𝔵].
// xhArr;[⟺] xharr;[⟷].
// xi;[ξ].
// xlArr;[⟸] xlarr;[⟵].
// xmap;[⟼].
// xnis;[⋻].
// xoplus;[⨁] xotime;[⨂] xodot;[⨀] xopf;[𝕩].
// xrArr;[⟹] xrarr;[⟶].
// xsqcup;[⨆] xscr;[𝓍].
// xuplus;[⨄] xutri;[△].
// xvee;[⋁].
// xwedge;[⋀].
// yacute;[ý] yacute[ý] yacy;[я].
// ycirc;[ŷ] ycy;[ы].
// yen;[¥] yen[¥].
// yfr;[𝔶].
// yicy;[ї].
// yopf;[𝕪].
// yscr;[𝓎].
// yucy;[ю] yuml;[ÿ] yuml[ÿ].
// zacute;[ź].
// zcaron;[ž] zcy;[з].
// zdot;[ż].
// zeetrf;[ℨ] zeta;[ζ].
// zfr;[𝔷].
// zhcy;[ж].
// zigrarr;[⇝].
// zopf;[𝕫].
// zscr;[𝓏].
// zwnj;[] zwj;[].
"small_words" => "GT\x00LT\x00gt\x00lt\x00",
"small_mappings" => array(